The solution with Prodikt

The challenges that exist for the various actors in the construction process are multiple. One of the main ones is that it is incredibly difficult to make active and conscious system and material choices, thereby ensuring that the projects really reach both the internal, the client's or society's goals in general. The reasons for this are many, but building sustainably has become synonymous with chasing documentation and then to the best of your ability and financial muscle interpreting these. This results in a really expensive construction project, without necessarily building more sustainably or in line with the initial target picture. We want to solve this!

An unbroken digital flow

Prodikt connects vast amounts of information, from the smallest component to composite products and finished systems, in an unbroken digital flow. This flow is placed in direct relationship with the projects' target image and wishes, which creates unique opportunities for streamlining and ensuring the delivery of the requirements level.

Prodikt in the construction process

The success of a construction project never rests with one actor. It is when we do smart and effective things together that we arrive. Prodict enables all actors, from the material supplier to distributors, the contractor and the property owner, to be jointly included in the same flow of information. This is when we minimize duplication and together manage to deliver analyses and results, from preliminary study to finished building in accordance with the target picture! Having the ability to build sustainably in a smart, fast and cost-effective manner should be accessible to all, and only then can the impact targets for society at large be achieved.
Preliminary study

Early sustainability analyses based on, for example, a 3D model. Objectives are decided and shaped in the project tool.


Clarification of the requirements for meeting the objectives is made. Here the specification of the product and system can be set with a customised level of detail. In parallel, several sustainability analyses can be deepened.

Project planning

Completion of the specification based on durability and technical performance. The conditions for control during production are now set and the possibility of continuous follow-up.


Cost-effective compliance with sustainability and technical performance criteria. Simple audit procedure and results in real time.

Finished building

All product and system data compiled. Smooth reporting process and value-creating basis into management.